Hello, another issue this time with Sandblast Agent deployment.
This is what happen:
I have users who need to install sba with antimalware blade on their machines, but they work outside the organization, so they can´t connect or reach the endpoint Mgmt. so i created a user for remote access vpn, created a access rule, defined destination the mgmt and services only the ports used for this porpuses, added this new user to the remote access vpn so this way they can connect to the mgmt. the client connects with no problem, i install the EPS package, and i see that the agent connects to the mgmt BUT, in SmartEnpoint i only see that the task is in Retrying state.
sba can work through Remote Access VPN?? cause i know that works on site to site, but in an institutional network and in this case is an outside network.
if yes, what am i missing?