new update!!!
issue have been solved.
One need to ask for a HF to R80.10 specific running Take installed on the management server. Ask for HF to solve LEA and LTA issue. For R80.10 take 91, one need to have fw1_wrapper_hotfix_r80_10_JHF_T91_465_GA installed.
R&D promised it is part of the roadmap but not yet part of the Take 103.
As soon HF is installed and cental mangement server have been started, logs LTA are imported.
This is an example of a log from sandblast for O365.
I am running the LTA agent on the central management server, and then pushed the data into the solr database.
I was hoping the Origin was the cloud server "" but instead it is my server where the logs are entered to actually "gwmgmt".

Hope someone find this usefull..
Best Regards