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Harmony Email & Office licences

How to remove a Harmony Mail license from a shared mailbox. We have a shared mailbox that several collaborators use and has a license assigned which they do not require. How we could disassociate this license from this mailbox?
It´s in this part of Config > Licenses and then select the user and Un-assign? Then this license is returned to the license pool.photo_2021-07-01_15-31-39.jpg

I also wanted to know if there is a guide to using Harmony Email and Office? Because I selected from here Harmony Email & Office Administration Guide and an error occur.


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The link on that page (which does need to be fixed) is for Harmony Endpoint and Office 2.0 and the screenshot you're showing is most definitely 1.0, which utilize different infrastructure.
I believe you want to start here: 
(HEO 1.0 was formerly called CloudGuard SaaS)
Your question on licensing, start here:

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