It ultimately helps to provide a phased approach to introducing the technology:
In Detect/Monitor mode, Office 365 Emails are delivered to end-users immediately. In parallel, CloudGuard SaaS inspects emails but takes no immediate remediation action if it finds malicious content. Visibility is provided for administrators.
In Detect and Remediate mode, Office 365 Emails are delivered to end-users immediately. In parallel, CloudGuard SaaS inspects emails and automatically takes a remediation action if it finds malicious content. In this mode user notifications and quarantine release workflows are available.
Protect (Inline) mode provides the highest level of protection and scans emails prior to delivery to the end user’s mailbox. Leveraging the same SaaS email provider API’s and implementing mail flow rules Harmony Email & Collaboration can scan email with a best of breed security stack to protect end users from malware, data leaks, phishing attacks and more. Scanning and quarantining takes place before email is delivered to the user’s mailbox. This mode insures that threats are detected and remediated before the user has access to the email.