Update and solution:
I continued to do some testing after my original post and have identified the root of the problem. The problem is not in the limit argument, but rather the type of rule or more specifically the action applied to the rule. I tried the "show-access-rulebase" command with a limit of 1 and an offset of 186 and this failed with the same error as before. I was not able to pull the information for rules 187 to 190, but I was fine for the remainder of the rulebase. On closer inspection I found that all 4 of these rules are the same type rule and the only rules like it in the rulebase. These rules are all legacy "Traditional Mode" VPN rules. It seems that the API command "breaks" when it tries to read them.
Here is an example of one of these "Traditional Mode" VPN rules:

All of these "Simplified Mode" VPN rules work fine with the API command:

*Note: These examples are not "proper" rules, they are just merely examples.
The API breaks on the "Client Encrypt" action.
I am sure that these rules "should" have been converted ages ago, so that is where I will start.
I hope this helps anyone else that comes across similar issues.