Sooo... I guess this is normal?

Test script is just a simplistic one to get started:
cat $1 >/tmp/pre_publish_dump.txt
printf '{ "result" : "success"}'
exit 0
With or without a "\n" at the end of the printf, and when using "echo" instead, the output in SmartConsole is the same after a Publish operation. Seems kinda weird.
I looked through $MDS_FWDIR/log/cpm.elg as well, and it says the same (no surprise):
14/03/25 21:47:36,705 INFO internal.executors.RunScriptActionExecutor [taskExecutor-316]: Script execution finished, exit code: 0, output:
{ "result" : "success"}, commandError
14/03/25 21:47:36,705 ERROR coresvc.internal.JobsSvcImpl [taskExecutor-316]: SmartTask execution output contains non-printable characters. Output as bytes: [10, 123, 32, 34, 114, 101, 115, 117, 108, 116, 34, 32, 58, 32, 34, 115, 117, 99, 99, 101, 115, 115, 34, 125]
14/03/25 21:47:36,705 INFO coresvc.internal.JobsSvcImpl [taskExecutor-316]: Action execution of SmartTask [7707d084-ebb9-4596-a421-2b0b41cf7441] succeeded
Just wanna make sure it's not just me going insane... (well, any more than I already am!).