Is there a list of color spaces and RGB values for the named colors Check Point uses in objects?
I've got the list of color names. Trying to add an object with a bogus color name returns this message:
"Invalid parameter for [color]. The invalid value [test] should be replaced by one of the following values: [aquamarine, black, blue, crete blue, burlywood, cyan, dark green, khaki, orchid, dark orange, dark sea green, pink, turquoise, dark blue, firebrick, brown, forest green, gold, dark gold, gray, dark gray, light green, lemon chiffon, coral, sea green, sky blue, magenta, purple, slate blue, violet red, navy blue, olive, orange, red, sienna, yellow]"
The problem is most of these don't have a widely-agreed value. Nobody outside Check Point seems to think "Crete blue" or "Cretan blue" is even the name of a specific color.