please check this
Please enter your username:
Please enter your password:
You currently do not have a record of this server's fingerprint.
Server's fingerprint: EF42F53F988948B14B51374527D066B2C4ED98B6
Do you accept this fingerprint? [y/n] y
Fingerprint saved.
Exporting Access Control layers
Exporting Access Layer [NTPC_App Network]
Retrieved 4 out of 4 rules (100%)
Processing rules and sections
Exporting hosts from layer [NTPC_App Network]
Exporting access rules from layer [NTPC_App Network]
Exporting access sections from layer [NTPC_App Network]
Exporting placeholders for unexportable objects from layer [NTPC_App Network]
Exporting layer settings of layer [NTPC_App Network]
Done exporting layer 'NTPC_App Network'.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 61, in <module>
export_package(client, args)
File "/opt/CPsuite-R80.40/fw1/Python/bin/ExportImportPolicyPackage-master/exporting/", line 55, in export_package
timestamp, ["access-rule", "access-section"], client.api_version)
File "/opt/CPsuite-R80.40/fw1/Python/bin/ExportImportPolicyPackage-master/", line 228, in create_tar_file
export_to_tar(data_dict, timestamp, tar, lst, api_version)
File "/opt/CPsuite-R80.40/fw1/Python/bin/ExportImportPolicyPackage-master/", line 244, in export_to_tar
with open(file_name_csv, "w", newline='') as tar_file_csv, open(file_name_json, "w", newline='') as tar_file_json:
TypeError: 'newline' is an invalid keyword argument for this function