So, using the web api and running show-objects with a filter on "name". Trying to return results that would include any objects containing certain characters. Question is how to return results from the filter that contain the characters rather than just starts with the characters.
What I've seen so far is that "filter" and "in" only return results that begin with the characters. Don't guess we can use any wildcard characters, such as * or ?. Is there a way to filter results where the name truly contains the filter term and not just return only those results that begin with the filter term?
only returns objects like: "dog gone", "dog days", "doggle", "dogpile" (results start with dog)
but I want to see results that would include: "dog gone", "hunting dogs", "hot dogs", "bigdog", "e-dog-houses" (results contain the letters dog)
Running R80.10 and 20. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.