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I need to make a query where I can see the vpn users and see his permissions
Currently, there is no official API for locally defined users. You can query them by means of the generic-object API. The following will give you JSON output of all VPN users:
mgmt_cli -r true --format json show generic-objects class-name com.checkpoint.objects.classes.dummy.CpmiUser | jq .objects[].uid | while read X; do mgmt_cli -r true --format json show generic-object uid $X; done
Additional parsing with jq can give you exactly the data you're looking for.
Can I export output of commands typed via SmartConsole CLI into a file please?
The SmartConsole CLI is a shell similar to clish that doesn't allow for output redirect. If you require this functionality, use mgmt_cli, which can be executed from Windows.
Where can I find more details about the Gaia API?
The Gaia API Documentation and sk143612.
In what version will the GAIA API be included natively and enabled by default?
I believe this is targeted for R80.40.
Does executing API calls to the gateway still have to work around the ‘lock database’ issue?
Yes, only one process can make changes to the gateway configuration at a time.
Will you be able to complete any type of logging and monitoring queries via API in the future? E.g. for un-attended log/health check methods potentially.
You can use run-script API to run whatever monitoring you’d like. Logging will eventually have API support.
Is the Gaia API available on SMB appliances?
Not currently.
How can I search as I would in the search bar via API? Something like: 'Show me where Check_Mate_Host AND port 22 are used?"
Not directly, but this could be done with where-used and parsing the results.
What about API support for Gateway Cluster objects?
Currently planned for R80.40.
After we delete a object, or group using the API, how would we know what firewalls to push to implement the change?
You could probably determine this by using there where-used API call.
Is it easy to limit what kind of API access a particular user has?
The API follows the same permission profiles that SmartConsole uses. If the user has access to something via SmartConsole and the permission profile grants API access, they have access via API as well.