More and more users of my SmartConsole Extensions report about issues regarding an unrequested auto-refresh causing the generated output to disappear just seconds after it's shown.
I investigated by implementing a user confirmation box upon every refresh attempt. The confirmation box appears every few seconds proving recent versions of SmartConsole perform a heavy auto-refresh rate. This auto-refresh renders my extensions almost unusable as the generated output disappears just after it is shown.

There is no way to prevent these auto-refresh's from within my SmartConsole Extension's script code. I also had to disable the user confirmation box again because it was opened by the auto-refresh timer every few seconds.
I cannot open a service request with Check Point support because my SmartConsole Extensions are 3rd party code Check Point doesn't support. But it's SmartConsole's auto-refresh that reloads the extension again and again without request. The SmartConsole Extension dev guide doesn't mention any auto-refresh timers nor how to handle it.
I'd be happy to present this issue to the Check Point's security management development team.
@Ron_Izraeli , @Tomer_Noy , @Alon_Alapi