R80 GUI client uses a new service (CPM on port 19009) to log onto the Management Server.
Users who forgot to update their rule base or were unaware of this new change might have trouble logging in after the upgrade.
A short script which uses the Management API to add a new access rule from their GUI host to the Management Server on port 19009.
Update the script with your environment details (GUI address, Management Server name, relevant Security Gateways name, layer name and policy package name.
You can use "mgmt_cli show gateways-and-servers -u <username> -p <password> --format json|$CPDIR/jq/jq ."objects[].name" to get your servers names, and the get_packages.sh script from the code library to get the layers and packages names.
Code Version
Code version 0.0.0
Tested on version
R80, API version 1.0