Hi ,
I am using below command to allow API calls from all IP but no lcuk, any help.
gw-b739b6> mgmt set api-settings accepted-api-calls-from "All IP addresses"
MGMT9205 You are not logged in to management server, in order to log-in you w ill need to run "mgmt login user [user name]"
gw-b739b6> expert
Enter expert password:
Warning! All configurations should be done through clish
You are in expert mode now.
[Expert@gw-b739b6:0]# mgmt set api-settings accepted-api-calls-from "All IP addr esses"
bash: mgmt: command not found
[Expert@gw-b739b6:0]# mgmt set api-settings accepted-api-calls-from "All IP addr esses"
bash: mgmt: command not found
[Expert@gw-b739b6:0]# mgmt_cli set api-settings accepted-api-calls-from "All IP addresses"
Username: admin
code: "err_login_failed"
message: "Authentication to server failed."
[Expert@gw-b739b6:0]# exit
gw-b739b6> mgmt_cli set api-settings accepted-api-calls-from "All IP addresses"
MGMT9205 You are not logged in to management server, in order to log-in you will need to run "mgmt login user [user name]" <<<<<<<<<<<<< why we need to use suppy username and pasowrd>>>>>>
Tried in both modes but no luck,
Amit Chaubey