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St. Louis: Join us to find out about CheckMates and R80.10!

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Please accept our invitation to join the newly formed St. Louis Check Point User Group Community. Hosted by the entire local Check Point Sales & Technical Team our focus is to create an active user community initiative where fellow Check Point customers get together to learn about the latest security technologies and best practices in a fun, informal & friendly atmosphere! We will plan to host these User Group Meetings at a variety of locations across the St. Louis Metropolitan Area and to provide informative, relevant and real world content in a collaborative environment. There is a wealth of extremely talented security professionals in St. Louis and our hope is by offering this networking & socialization opportunity we all will become better security professionals. 

Meeting Details: 
Thursday September 14th, 2017 from 3:30pm to 6:00pm CDT
O’Fallon Brewery 45 Progress Pkwy, Maryland Heights, MO 63043

Meeting Agenda: 
1. R80.10 Did you know – Tips, Tricks & Automation for a successful deployment
2. Check Mates Live - Why you need to be a part of this global group
3. Open forum & discussion with all the local Check Point Team