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  1. In Expert Mode, cp works the same as it does on a regular Linux system.
  2. "To get the package" what precisely do you mean by this? In any case, you can only get the full details of the policy from the Smart-1. There is a command to retrieve the policy from the CLI of the gateways: db_tool -p $FWDIR/state/local/FW1 get_rules
  3. netstat can only be executed from expert mode as it is not a valid clish command. It works similar to a standard Linux system, i.e. only gets routes from the local system.
  4.  You can use WinSCP. However, the user in question cannot have /etc/cli.sh as the default shell as that will not work.
  5. Believe it puts the output in current working directory.
  6. If you're using a different version of the Show Package Tool than is included in your installation, then I would execute it separately (i.e. not replace the existing installed version).
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