first of all this is a very good thread here!
but i have some follow up questions:
for example:
A customer, GW with MTA and two TE appliances as a cluster.
The MTA as "email routes" for all his email domains pointing to the Exchange server.
But NO "*" route back to the anti spam GW to send out any Bounce or NDR messages ...
so someday the Exchange server is unavailable, for some hours!
it turned out, ALL emails over night got lost, nothing was kept in a queue for 5days
in the Smartlog i saw all emails bounced, but no sender ever got a NDR or bounce message back.
/var/log/maillog was overwritten due log rotation many time, ok bad luck too. no real logging evidence of what has happend is present anymore.
so where are those mails?
as u you wrote correctly the max value for maximal_queue_lifetime" in „/opt/postfix/etc/postfix/master.cf.defaults" is 5d!
but, this configuration file, i think its not used directly in first place, it just represent the default or possible values.
the main configuration file is „/opt/postfix/etc/postfix/main.cf" it seems this file gets created new on every policy install.
and all those values set in „/opt/postfix/etc/postfix/main.cf" overide „/opt/postfix/etc/postfix/master.cf.defaults" .
And the settings are derived from the MTA userinterface of the GW properties.
And there are settings for "maximal_queue_lifetime" are 0d, not 5. So why 0 days?
so how many hours are 0 days? white duration is 0days?
why does Check Point reduces this value to 0 days? Does it mean, if the mail delivery is unsuccesful, bad luck all mails gets
deleted. if no "*" back to the sender exist you have a bad day explaining what happend.
if you want to override it, you have to follow sk101870 and create: $FWDIR/conf/mta_postfix_options.cf
but why?
why does Check Point set this value in its default to 0 and allows all emails to be lost?
for the end user it means, to dig into all postfix options and search for the correct values to tweak $FWDIR/conf/mta_postfix_options.cf to make emails survive.
or can you provide us with correct values which controls the queuing of mails?
+ how often to retry sending mails per time interval?
+ how long to keep a retry queue
+ a log when emails got deleting, and not just bounced.
the ATRG MTA is really good, but this part is missing.
how to avoid loss of mails in case delivery is not successful!
please update us here on this topic.
this is often asked my customer and we often run into situation were we lost mails, because of this issues.
best regards