If the line card is correctly installed to the appliance, system will recognize the line card with specific number of ports.
For example eth4-05 means, the line card is inserted into slot 4. Port number 5. Where exactly within the appliance the slot 4 is located, can be seen within Check Point Appliances Documentation, specifically in Getting Started Guide (section Appliance Hardware, subsection "Front Panel").
Example of 19000 and 29000 appliances: :
In the Gaia OS on the appliance, these interface names are assigned:
In 19200:
The bottom row of slots (from left to right):
eth1-0X, eth2-0X, eth3-0X, and eth4-0X.
In 29100 / 29200:
The top row of slots (from left to right):
eth5-0X, eth6-0X, and eth7-0X.
The bottom row of slots (from left to right):
eth1-0X, eth2-0X, eth3-0X, and eth4-0X.
Kind regards,
Jozko Mrkvicka