Still waiting for R&D to come up with the goods 😞 taken way too long, so took matters in own hands. Basically used @Danny idea about custom PNOTE.
Modified parts of $FWDIR/bin/fwstart, first in the middle:
if ($?highavail && ! $?IS_VSW) then
if ($fw1_vsx == 0) then
$FWDIR/bin/cphaconf set_pnote -f $FWDIR/conf/cpha_global_pnotes.conf -g register
# Test manual cluster DOWN till MQ reconf is applied at the end
echo "*** TEST cluster DOWN ***"
$FWDIR/bin/cphaconf set_pnote -d ForceDown -t 1 -s init register
# load sim settings (affinity)
if ((! $?VS_CTX) && ($linux == 1)) then
if ($?PPKDIR) then
$FWDIR/bin/fwaccel on
$FWDIR/bin/sxl_stats update_ac_name
if ($fw1_ipv6) then
$FWDIR/bin/fwaccel6 on
and then remove PNOTE after MQ is reconfigured.
(Actually $FWDIR/bin/mq_mng_reconf_all_vs command is the one that causes the problem)
# Kernel 3.10 - apply MQ settings for all VS
##release lock of mq_mng
rm /tmp/mq_reconf_lock >& /dev/null
if ("$linuxver" != "2.6") then
$FWDIR/bin/mq_mng_reconf_all_vs >& /dev/null
# Test manual cluster DOWN till bond MQ is applied - finish
echo "*** TEST cluster DOWN finsih ***"
sleep 15
$FWDIR/bin/cphaconf set_pnote -d ForceDown unregister
if ((! $?VS_CTX) && ($linux == 1)) then
# Apply Backplane Ethernet affinity settings
if ( -e /dev/adp0) then
So startup sequence looks like this now:
![image.png image.png](
And clustering messages confirm that there are no unwanted failovers:
![image.png image.png](