OK so I am finally getting back to re-evaluating cloud SMP for my users that are purchasing 1500 appliances.
I would like a user to be able to login and only see his devices/plans/roles on the cloud SMP. He should not be able to see any other users gateways.
At this time I am not worried about the user seeing logs for other gateways.
Is this even possible? I am trying to filter using the Intersects(gateways, CurrentUser.gateways), however I must not be giving enough access, it appears that we need access to user and all gateways to see this. This is from the SMP 12.30 Admin guide P111?
Anyone ever do this kind of access role? I am trying to understand all the fields that we could match.
Is it possible to match on a user field, for example user->custom field->UserGroup access and gateway->custom field -> GWgroup, then give access if CurrentUser.UserGroup == Gateway.GWgroup?
Cloud SMP 12.30