In my post Perform scheduled scripted tasks on SMB devices without using crond, tasks on SMB were performed using a remote device. Another possible solution for 11xx/6x0 SMBs is /pfrm2.0/etc/userScript (see sk52520). Started at boot time, it can do a lot for us ! Here, it will reboot the device at a regular time:
date >> /pfrm2.0/etc/lastReboot&
ln -s /bin/busybox /bin/crond
mkdir -p /var/spool/cron/crontabs/
echo '0 1 * * 0 shutdown -r -t secs 10080 time now&' >> /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root
chmod 600 /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root
In the first line we keep log; then we create a link crond and its crontabs. Now we can call crond and create the crontab with correct access rights. Alternatively, you could run something like the following in userScript:
while true; do if [ "$(date +%H)" == "2" ]; then echo y | reboot; fi; sleep 3600; done
Both methods end with one more process running on the SMB - in the first, many regular jobs can be defined.
CCSE / CCTE / CCME / CCSM Elite / SMB Specialist