Q: What's the official product site ?
A: Check Point 1500 Appliance | Datasheet | Support Center | Overview
Q: What's new ?
A: Check Point introduced the new 1500 Appliance series in October 2019.
Q: Where can I find Getting Started Guides ?
A: 1550 Appliances | 1590 Appliances

Q: What's the 1500 Appliance's SecureKnowledge article ?
A: sk157412 | Release Notes | Features | Known Limitations
Q: Which User Guides are available ?
A: Central Management | Local Management | CLI Guide
Q: What Check Point version does it run on ?
A: R80.20 for Small and Medium Business Appliances
Q: Is there an unboxing video ?
A: Sure, it's right here.
Q: Which 1500 Appliance license models are available ?
A: 1550 Appliance -> replaces 1430 & 1450 Appliance
A: 1590 Appliance -> replaces 1470 & 1490 Appliance
Q: Where are the LED light indicators described ?
A: Right here.
Q: Can I upgrade the licensed model later on (1550 -> 1590) ?
A: Only via Trade-in.
Q: Which 1500 Appliance hardware models are available ?
A: Model: V-80 Check Point 1550 Appliances
A: Model: V-80W Check Point 1550 Appliances (WiFi)
A: Model: V-81 Check Point 1550 Appliances
A: Model: V-80W Check Point 1550 Appliances (WiFi)
Q: What is part of the content package ?
A: The appliance itself, a power supply, two network cables, a USB-C serial console cable and the usual Getting Started Guide.

Q: What CPU is working inside ?
A: ARM AArch64 Processor [410fd081]
Q: What operating system is it running on ?
A: The 1500 Appliance runs on: Check Point GAiA Embedded R80.20
Q: What are the features of Check Point GAiA Embedded OS ?
A: Check Point lists it right here.
Q: Which other Check Point solution run on GAiA Embedded OS ?
A: Check Point's Quantum Edge VNF SD-WAN solution.
Q: How much RAM does it feature ?
Q: Which MAC addressing scheme is used for the 1500 Appliance series ?
A: 00:1C:7F:__:__:__
Q: From which SmartCenter version upwards can 1500 appliances be managed centrally ?
A: R80.30 Jumbo Hotfix (Take 107) - sk163296 and SmartConsole R80.30 (Build 36) - sk164092
A: R80.40 - sk160736
Q: Where can I find the driver for the serial communication via USB-C as console connector ?
A: sk159712
Q: Which is the correct serial console configuration to connect to the 1500 appliance ?
A: sk108095 (Baud: 115200, Data: 8 bit, Parity: None, Stop: 1 bit)
Q: What is the most recent firmware version ?
A: Check Point lists all 1500 firmwares in sk97766.
Q: Which is the default management port ?
A: Port 4434/tcp (
Q: Which browser should I use to manage it ?
A: Only use the latest version of Google Chrome. There are some issues known when using Microsoft Internet Explorer to export VPN certificates and when using any Web browser on Apple Mac OS X.
Q: What if I cannot access the WebUI on an allowed subnet ?
A: There is an overlapping IP address in the defined subnet, which needs to be removed as described in sk166498.
Q: What does the boot screen show ?
A: Code:
U-Boot 2018.03-release-19.06.3 (Oct 03 2019 - 10:55:23 +0300)
Model: Marvell Armada 7040 Sunspear V0 Software 0.0.4
SoC: Armada7040-A2; AP806-A1; CP110-A2
Clock: CPU 1400 [MHz]
DDR 800 [MHz]
FABRIC 800 [MHz]
MSS 200 [MHz]
LLC Enabled (Exclusive Mode)
=== V0 board_init === Check Point version: 992000059
Comphy chip #0:
Comphy-0: SGMII1 1.25 Gbps
Comphy-1: USB3_HOST0
Comphy-2: SGMII0 1.25 Gbps
Comphy-5: PEX2
UTMI PHY 0 initialized to USB Host0
PCIE-0: Link down
MMC: sdhci@6e0000: 0, sdhci@780000: 1
Loading Environment from MMC... OK
Model: Marvell Armada 7040 Sunspear V0 Software 0.0.4
Net: eth0: mvpp2-0, eth1: mvpp2-1 [PRIME]
cp_set_board_vars started
switch to partitions #0, OK
mmc1(part 0) is current device
MMC read: dev # 1, block # 4096, count 512 ... 512 blocks read: OK
Verifying CRC for settings area... Done
Saving Environment to MMC... Writing to MMC(1)... OK
************ Hit 'Ctrl + C' for boot menu ************
USB0: Register 2000120 NbrPorts 2
Starting the controller
scanning bus 0 for devices... 1 USB Device(s) found
scanning usb for storage devices... 0 Storage Device(s) found
USB storage device not found ..
switch to partitions #0, OK
mmc1(part 0) is current device
Starting kernel ...
[ 0.000000] Booting Linux on physical CPU 0x0
[ 0.000000] Linux version 4.14.76-release-1.3.0 (builder@lnx70bcccmp1) (gcc version 7.3.1 20180425 [linaro-7.3-2018.05 revision d29120a424ecfbc167ef90065c0eeb7f91977701] (Linaro GCC 7.3-2018.05)) #1 SMP Wed Sep 11 16:36:14 IDT 2019
Q: Where can I find a SMB performance tuning guide ?
A: @HristoGrigorov wrote a comprehensive introduction to SMB performance tuning.
*Work in progress*