I am running R77.10 on the firewall I was testing against, which I know is out of support. Neither the original command nor my modified command worked on R77.30. I had to use separate versions for each as the output format has changed across versions. The original command may not work in future releases as the format output of the vpn_routing table does not seem to be stable:
echo -e "\033[0m####################\n# VPN Routing #\n####################";fw tab -f -t vpn_routing -u 2>&1 |awk '{split($0,a,";"); print a[6]}' |sort -ng |uniq | awk '{split($0,a," "); print a[2]}' | xargs -I % sh -c 'echo -n "External Gateway: ";echo -e "\033[0;31m % \\033[37m";echo -e " Routing: \033[32m";fw tab -f -t vpn_routing -u 2>&1 |grep % |awk '\''{split($0,b,";"); print b[2] b[3]}'\''| sed 's/,//'| sed 's/From\://'| sed 's/To\:/-/'|sort -u ;echo -e "\033[0m" '
echo -e "\033[0m####################\n# VPN Routing #\n####################";fw tab -f -t vpn_routing -u 2>&1 |awk '{split($0,a,";"); print a[6]}' |sort -ng |uniq | awk '{split($0,a,":"); print a[2]}' | xargs -I % sh -c 'echo -n "External Gateway: ";echo -e "\033[0;31m % \\033[37m";echo -e " Routing: \033[32m";fw tab -f -t vpn_routing -u 2>&1 |grep % |awk '\''{split($0,b,";"); print b[2] b[3]}'\''| sed 's/,//'| sed 's/From\://'| sed 's/To\:/-/'|sort -u ;echo -e "\033[0m" '