While setting up Radius authentication (with MFA) for Mobile Access (SNX and Capsule) i have stumbled upon an issue i cannot solve.
I followed a guide Checkpoint_Azure_MFA_2020_v2_CheckMates.pdf and succesfully managed to configure a gateway (R80.20)
Radius works and MFA as well for both Capsule and MAB portal.
On the same SMS (R80.40) i configured another gateway (R80.30) with the same authentication scheme and if i login with Capsule, Radius and MFA works perfectly fine.
But if i use the MAB portal the gateway is trying to authenticate the user by LDAP first (querying the servers i have in ldap account units) and there is a delay for 2 minutes before the authentication is done by Radius.
The user is authenticated by MFA after that.
Since the configuration on gateway/cluster object is not so much i cannot understand what the difference is here.
Grateful for any pointers or hints 🙂