I was working on preparing a guide for one of my clients and decided to run this script for verification of the fwm after migrate export.
To my surprise, the results were:
[Expert@SMS8010:0]# date; $FWDIR/scripts/server_status.sh
Fri Feb 23 15:40:17 EST 2018
Checking server status. Please wait...
15:40:18,423 INFO com.checkpoint.management.cpm.Cpm.enableLocalSic:223 [main] - Enabling local sic. Setting cp.ssl_local.certificate.check=local
Server is up - but not ready to receive connections (fwm might be down or busy)
When I clearly able to connect to it using SmartConsole:

While script keeps showing:
[Expert@SMS8010:0]# date; $FWDIR/scripts/server_status.sh
Fri Feb 23 15:46:15 EST 2018
Checking server status. Please wait...
15:46:15,809 INFO com.checkpoint.management.cpm.Cpm.enableLocalSic:223 [main] - Enabling local sic. Setting cp.ssl_local.certificate.check=local
Server is up - but not ready to receive connections (fwm might be down or busy)
At the same time:
[Expert@SMS8010:0]# cpstat mg
Product Name: Check Point Security Management Server
Major version: 6
Minor version: 0
Build number: 991140009
Is started: 1
Active status: active
Status: OK
Connected clients
|Client type |Administrator|Host |Database lock|
|SmartConsole|admin |yvlprecision|false |