hi chaps, quick one as always from me. here is the scenario:
1. customer is having still under support R81.20 SG5800 running R81.20 take 631
2. Check_Point_R81_20_JUMBO_HF_MAIN_Bundle_T65_FULL.tgz
- this take cannot be installed as it is called by the installer (CPUSE) that this appliance is incompatible with that take - any clues what a heck? I've tried my lab 5800 - same stuff - no way to install this take due to some storage shortage?
# pvs
PV VG Fmt Attr PSize PFree
/dev/sda3 vg_splat lvm2 a-- 449.97g 236.97g

3. Check_Point_R81_20_JUMBO_HF_MAIN_Bundle_T70_FULL.tgz
- this take is downloaded and verified as fine then installation takes 15 mins and then - nothnig, back to sq. 1
- impossible to install as well as the previous one, any clues chaps?
*** will provide any output you wish, just let me know your thoughts should you have any (or experienced the same latelly).
ps. additional info's reg. validation processes:
R81.20 Jumbo Hotfix Accumulator Recommended Jumbo Take 65
Package is available for installation (1 warnings)
● It was found that a hotfix (HF) preventing internal users from connecting to the Remote-Access VPN has been installed. Note that the behavior of the new Jumbo HF has changed: Remote Access VPN for local accounts authenticated only with Check Point password created in R80.20 or earlier, and not updated after R80.30 will be blocked until they reset their password.
R81.20 Jumbo Hotfix Accumulator Take 70 Package is available for installation (1 warnings) ● It was found that a hotfix (HF) preventing internal users from connecting to the Remote-Access VPN has been installed. Note that the behavior of the new Jumbo HF has changed: Remote Access VPN for local accounts authenticated only with Check Point password created in R80.20 or earlier, and not updated after R80.30 will be blocked until they reset their password. |