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My Top 3 Check Point CLI commands

Just had a fun geeky conversation with Dameon Welch Abernathy (AKA Phoneboy) Jony Fischbein , Jeff Schwartz and Michael Poublon (over 100 accumulated years of experience in Check Point products) , on what are our favorite & most useful commands in a Check Point environment.

Below are my 3 , plz add yours in the comments (we will do a poll for the top 5 after getting your feedback ... ).


1) fw ctl zdebug drop 

used to quickly see all dropped connections and more importantly the reason (e.g. anti-spoofing, IPS , FW rule , ....)


2) cpstat fw

quickly see stats of number of connections (accepted,denied,logged) with a breakdown

if the FW was under a high load i would usually run " watch --interval=1 'cpstat fw' " (would see a real-time to see the interface that is causing this)


3) fw tab -s -t connections 

allowed me to quickly see how much load is (and was i.e "peak" ) on the FW 


that's it (i have more , but i want to hear yours ...)

plz add yours in the comments (we will do a poll for the top 5 after getting your feedback ... )


195 Replies
Legend Legend

Well looks like this has turned into the most epic Checkmates thread ever and my last 3 commands were well-received, so here are some more that have not been mentioned yet.  The focus for these is recovering from mistakes that normally would require a firewall outage:


1) Disable anti-spoofing on the fly from the gateway.  Should you make a mistake in the anti-spoofing config the results can be dire: lots of traffic suddenly being dropped by the gateway.  Once the specific interface with the problem has been identified, best practice dictates setting the antispoofing setting for that interface to "Detect" and reinstalling policy.  On R80+ Management, quickly reverting the gateway to a known-good policy via the "Installation History" screen is a good choice as well.  At that point you can figure out what went wrong at your leisure.


But what if antispoofing is now dropping all management traffic to/from the SMS itself? A corrected policy can't be pushed, and new logs can no longer be received from the firewall either to figure out what is going on.  The usual way of breaking this catch-22 that involves taking a full outage on the firewall is:


1) Log into firewall (probably on console)

2) Unplug/disable externally-facing interface to protect firewall

3) Run fw unloadlocal (full outage begins)

4) Race back to SmartConsole and push policy with corrected antispoofing

5) Restore external-facing interface (full outage ends)


But there is a better way that does not involve taking a full outage, and these expert mode gateway commands can also be used as a bit of a "panic button" in regards to an antispoofing problem:


fw ctl set int fw_antispoofing_enabled 0
sim feature anti_spoofing off ; fwaccel off ; fwaccel on


All antispoofing enforcement on the gateway is immediately disabled.  While these settings will not survive a gateway reboot, they will survive a policy re-installation and cprestart, so once the issue is corrected make sure to turn anti-spoofing back on like this:


fw ctl set int fw_antispoofing_enabled 1
sim feature anti_spoofing on ; fwaccel off ; fwaccel on

Edit: The above commands work for R80.10 and earlier, for R80.20+ use these commands instead:

fw ctl set int fw_antispoofing_enabled 0

fw ctl set int sim_anti_spoofing_enabled 0 -a


2) Recover from SIC issues between SMS and gateway without an outage.  If SIC somehow gets broken between a single gateway and the SMS and must be reset, the traditional way of dealing with it is to run "cpconfig" on the gateway, reset SIC and enter a new activation key.  Unfortunately doing it this way causes the gateway to not only discard its current SIC certificate, but also discard its current installed security policy and load up the default "InitialPolicy", which blocks almost all traffic and causes a full outage until policy is reinstalled/fetched from the SMS. 


A far more problematic situation though is when the certificate of the SMS itself gets corrupted/changed (or the ICA somehow gets reset brutally) and SIC trust gets instantly broken between all managed gateways and the SMS.  Now you're staring down the barrel of outages on all non-clustered gateways to recover control.  But there is a way to have the gateway discard its SIC certificate and set a new activation key, but without discarding its installed security policy taken from sk86521: Reset SIC without restarting the firewall process:


On the gateway run:

cp_conf sic init ACTIVATIONKEY norestart

cpwd_admin stop -name CPD -path "$CPDIR/bin/cpd_admin" -command "cpd_admin stop"

cpwd_admin start -name CPD -path "$CPDIR/bin/cpd" -command "cpd"


Trust can now be reestablished to to the gateway and policy reinstalled, all without an outage!


3) Regain gateway CLI access via SIC if admin and/or expert passwords are unknown/corrupt.  The typical outage-inducing way to recover from this situation:  Factory reset a gateway appliance (and pray you have a good backup to restore containing passwords that you know) or on open hardware boot from a live Linux distribution DVD/USB media like Knoppix and try to hack the password that way.


The cprid_util command has been mentioned a few times in this thread, but bears repeating for this situation.  If for some reason you cannot log into the gateway CLI, assuming SIC is still established between the gateway and the SMS (and SIC traffic is not being impeded by firewall policy), you can execute commands on the gateway from the SMS via the SIC trust without a password.


Here is a sample command to reset the gateway's admin password, taken from sk106490: How to remotely reset Admin / Expert password on a Security Gateway from a Security Manage...:


$CPDIR/bin/cprid_util -server <IP_address_of_Security_Gateway> -verbose rexec -rcmd /bin/clish -s -c 'set user admin password-hash <password hash generated by grub-md5-crypt command>'


My book "Max Power: Check Point Firewall Performance Optimization"
now available via

Attend my online "Be your Own TAC: Part Deux" CheckMates event
March 27th with sessions for both the EMEA and Americas time zones

Awesome !! I was not aware of the anti-spoofing trick , could have saved me a lot of time during sleepless nights 😉


I am usually onsite with our customers and showing them how to use our products or troubleshooting issues on their network.  For these scenarios (in addition to most of the other CLI commands already mentioned) I like:

fw monitor

show commands feature <feature> - This let's the customer see all the commands of that particular feature he/she can use.  

For example all the Gaia commands for OSPF:

mgmt-server> show commands feature ospf
set ospf area VALUE nssa default-cost VALUE
set ospf area VALUE nssa default-metric-type VALUE
set ospf area VALUE nssa import-summary-routes off
set ospf area VALUE nssa import-summary-routes on
set ospf area VALUE nssa off
set ospf area VALUE nssa on
set ospf area VALUE nssa range VALUE off
set ospf area VALUE nssa range VALUE on
set ospf area VALUE nssa range VALUE restrict VALUE off
set ospf area VALUE nssa range VALUE restrict VALUE on
set ospf area VALUE nssa redistribution off
set ospf area VALUE nssa redistribution on
set ospf area VALUE nssa translator-role VALUE
set ospf area VALUE nssa translator-stability-interval VALUE
set ospf area VALUE off
set ospf area VALUE on
set ospf area VALUE range VALUE off
set ospf area VALUE range VALUE on
set ospf area VALUE range VALUE restrict VALUE off
set ospf area VALUE range VALUE restrict VALUE on
set ospf area VALUE stub default-cost VALUE
set ospf area VALUE stub off
set ospf area VALUE stub on
set ospf area VALUE stub summary off
set ospf area VALUE stub summary on
set ospf area VALUE stub-network VALUE off
set ospf area VALUE stub-network VALUE on
set ospf area VALUE stub-network VALUE stub-network-cost VALUE
set ospf area VALUE virtual-link VALUE transit-area VALUE authtype md5 key VALUE off
set ospf area VALUE virtual-link VALUE transit-area VALUE authtype md5 key VALUE secret VALUE
set ospf area VALUE virtual-link VALUE transit-area VALUE authtype none
set ospf area VALUE virtual-link VALUE transit-area VALUE authtype simple VALUE
set ospf area VALUE virtual-link VALUE transit-area VALUE dead-interval VALUE
set ospf area VALUE virtual-link VALUE transit-area VALUE hello-interval VALUE
set ospf area VALUE virtual-link VALUE transit-area VALUE off
set ospf area VALUE virtual-link VALUE transit-area VALUE on
set ospf area VALUE virtual-link VALUE transit-area VALUE retransmit-interval VALUE
set ospf default-ase-cost VALUE
set ospf default-ase-type VALUE
set ospf export-routemap VALUE off
set ospf export-routemap VALUE preference VALUE on
set ospf graceful-restart grace-period VALUE
set ospf graceful-restart off
set ospf graceful-restart on
set ospf graceful-restart-helper VALUE off
set ospf graceful-restart-helper VALUE on
set ospf import-routemap VALUE off
set ospf import-routemap VALUE preference VALUE on
set ospf interface VALUE area VALUE off
set ospf interface VALUE area VALUE on
set ospf interface VALUE authtype md5 key VALUE off
set ospf interface VALUE authtype md5 key VALUE secret VALUE
set ospf interface VALUE authtype none
set ospf interface VALUE authtype simple VALUE
set ospf interface VALUE cost VALUE
set ospf interface VALUE dead-interval VALUE
set ospf interface VALUE hello-interval VALUE
set ospf interface VALUE passive VALUE off
set ospf interface VALUE passive VALUE on
set ospf interface VALUE priority VALUE
set ospf interface VALUE retransmit-interval VALUE
set ospf interface VALUE subtract-authlen VALUE
set ospf interface VALUE virtual-address VALUE off
set ospf interface VALUE virtual-address VALUE on
set ospf rfc1583-compatibility VALUE off
set ospf rfc1583-compatibility VALUE on
set ospf spf-delay VALUE
set ospf spf-holdtime VALUE
show ospf
show ospf border-routers
show ospf database [ detailed ]
show ospf database area VALUE [ detailed ]
show ospf database areas [ detailed ]
show ospf database asbr-summary-lsa [ detailed ]
show ospf database checksum
show ospf database database-summary
show ospf database external-lsa [ detailed ]
show ospf database network-lsa [ detailed ]
show ospf database nssa-external-lsa [ detailed ]
show ospf database opaque-lsa [ detailed ]
show ospf database router-lsa [ detailed ]
show ospf database summary-lsa [ detailed ]
show ospf database type VALUE [ detailed ]
show ospf errors
show ospf errors dd
show ospf errors hello
show ospf errors ip
show ospf errors lsack
show ospf errors lsr
show ospf errors lsu
show ospf errors protocol
show ospf events
show ospf interface VALUE [ detailed ]
show ospf interface VALUE stats
show ospf interfaces [ detailed ]
show ospf interfaces stats
show ospf neighbor VALUE [ detailed ]
show ospf neighbors [ detailed ]
show ospf packets
show ospf routemap
show ospf summary


These two comes handy when you are doing an onsite engagement and you ask the customer to get out of the management because you need to start working....  The first one is actually a Linux command but still helpful.

#w or w -l


Also #cpstat mg 

cpstat mg


One more command that I find useful is #cpwd_admin list - this command alone can help you catch when processes are crashing and how many times they have crashed or if there is any of the processes down.

cpwd_admin list


Hi Everyone,

I am following this discussion since the beginning and i must say that really like all the reactions so far.

A lot of useful commands and a lot of learning here!

Here is my list, maybe not my favorite commands but i didn't see them posted so far:

On the SMS

1)  cpprod_util FwIsActiveManagement To find out the current status of the active SMS (HA). 1= Active 0= Standby

On the SG

2)  cp_conf sic state - shows trust state of SIC

All CP Products

3) cpstat os -f ifconfig - really nice summary of interface stats




I left out the basic stuff and I'm listing the commands I find myself using when looking at odd issues.

clish -c "show route summary" = This gives you a quick snapshot of your routing table

cphaprob -a if = This will give you a quick peek at your Interfaces/IP Address/VMAC

fw ctl multik stat = This will tell you how hard your procs are getting hit with connections


Haven't tested if this one works on R80, but has been a very usefull command to restart fwd. In a cluster this will not trigger a failover:

cpwd_admin stop -name FWD -path "$FWDIR/bin/fw" -command "fw kill fwd" ; cpwd_admin start -name FWD -path "$FWDIR/bin/fw" -command "fwd"


An earlier post noted the command cpstat mg which reminded me of a PRE R80.x command I use to use to check if any one is logged into Dashboard :


Enter Server name (ENTER for 'localhost'):

#send_command> connected_clients

| # |Session Id |Client type |Administrator |Database Mode |Database Lock |Login Time |
| 1 |d42f3f50 |Command Sender |localhost |read-write |false |Mon Oct 16 08:45:09 2017|

This is particularly useful in scenarios where I know the customer has lots of potential users logged into read only mode, usually checking logging and monitoring etc.

This always used to cause issues with automated weekly migrate exports.

At least this way each user can be politely requested to log out.

This command also provides a number of other options:

end_command> connected_clinets

kill_clients [-n] <session id> .... <session id>
shared_secret <community> <external-device> <password>
gen_cert <object-name>
fwm_dump_log <start|stop|print>

USE AT YOUR DISCRETION. There may be other ways to achieve the same functionality.

John Tammaro



I'm not sure but I'd be careful not to place much confidence in fw tab -s -t connections 

Especially the "peak" output.

I believe that is the peak since the firewall was first started. Not a current state.


Yeah i know ...

this is why I wrote "allowed me to quickly see how much load is (and was i.e "peak" ) on the FW "

usually back in the days when I was doing PS at a partner (worked at NetVision (CCMA #9 baby )) 

I would get called to see a FW that is "acting up" .some of the times by the time I got there it was working smooth 

so this (with 'fw ctl pstat |grep "fail" ') allowed me to see if it was experiencing heavy load and then dig further .


Great article!


cpwd_admin (list) etc

cpmiquerybin or queryDB_util

cprid_util -server rexec -rcmd /bin/bash -c "....."

xargs for everything! Smiley Happy


cpmiquerybin or queryDB_util

What’s the expected output?


#General commands


cpwd_admin list

ps -aufxxx

fw tab -s -t connections

cpstat -f cpu os
cpstat -f memory os

fw ctl zdebug drop


arp -na




fw ctl multik stat
fw ctl affinity -l -r -a -v

#Clustering commands - ClusterXL


cphaprob -a if

cphaprob list

clusterXL_admin down / up

#Better do not forget.

save config ( kkkkkkk )


Some useful ones

tcptraceroute -T -p 443

-T for TCP -U for UDP and -I for icmp, p for port then IP address, allows you to see if there is latency or access list / firewall blocking the traffic.

(in R80.10 onwards)

iketool -f filename (command line tool for looking at ike debugs on the gateway!)

 tcpdump -nepi Sync -x port -s 0 8116 2> /dev/null | ccp_analyzer -g -c

Useful tool shows you the ccp messages in readable format from members so you can quickly understand why the cluster has issues.


what is this ccp_analyzer of which you speak?


Hi Iain,

ccp_analyzer is a tool located within the scripts directory (I forget the exact location but you can find it easily (find / -name ccp-analyzer) on a Check Point installation, it is a non documented tool as far as I am aware.

It presents you the details from the CCP packets in a human readable format. (CCP = Check Point Clustering Protocol - this document is very old yet still very relevant

You can find more information on ClusterXL here

Best Regards



Hi Jason,

I didn't know ccp_analyzer but I hope it doesn't work correct because I get a lot of errors and all other checks shows me, that the cluster is running fine

Check Point High Availability Protocol        Magic Number: 0x1a90        Protocol Version: Unknown(2921)        Cluster Number: 8661        HA OpCode: 11 (FWHAP_CHASSIS_STATE)        Source Interface: 2        Random ID: 25309        Source Machine ID: 1        Destination Machine ID: 65534        Policy ID: 9228        Filler: 0        Total number of cores: 6        Handling core id: 1        FWHAP_CHASSIS_STATE                Reporting Member ID: 0                Local:                        Chassis State: Unknown                        Standard Ports Up/Total: 0/0                        Critical Ports Up/Total: 0/0                        Chassis Grade: 0                        Attached Blades Mask: 0                Other:                        Chassis State: STANDBY                        Standard Ports Up/Total: 0/0                        Critical Ports Up/Total: 0/0                        Chassis Grade: 0                        Attached Blades Mask: 0                Active Blades: 0                In Maintenance Mode: NO                Standard Priority Port Factor: 0                High Priority Port Factor: 0                Blade Factor: 0                Failover value: 0                Are Factors Equal: NO                Sync1 link state: DOWN                Sync2 link state: DOWNCheck Point High Availability Protocol        Magic Number: 0x1a90        Protocol Version: Unknown(2921)        Cluster Number: 8661        HA OpCode: 1 (FWHA_MY_STATE)        Source Interface: 2        Random ID: 25309        Source Machine ID: 1        Destination Machine ID: 65534        Policy ID: 9228        Filler: 0        Total number of cores: 6        Handling core id: 1        FWHA_MY_STATE                Number of IDs reported: 0                Report Code: 80a, Machine information NOT present                HA mode: 2 (FWHA_BALANCE_MODE - More than one machine active)                Has Problem: YES                Chassis ID: 4                Blade State: -                Proc State: Unknown (0x402)       ITERATION_FINISHED                CPU Load Average: 10752%                Pnote admin_down state: 0                Pnote Core Number state: 0                Policy time: 16777216                Interface states                        Interfaces up in the Inbound: 0                        Interfaces assumed up in the Inbound: 0                        Interfaces up in the Outbound: 0                        Interfaces assumed up in the Outbound: 0‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

Maybe it works fine if I have a real error 😉



Hi Daniel,

From the output I see you are running R77.30 in 64 bit mode (Protocol version 2921) and the member 1 is reporting it has an issue, I would check the status using “cphaprob list”


Hi Jason,

77.30 64 bit ist correct.

cphaprob -l list shows nothing special

# cphaprob -l listBuilt-in Devices:Device Name: Interface Active CheckCurrent state: OKDevice Name: Recovery DelayCurrent state: OKRegistered Devices:Device Name: SynchronizationRegistration number: 0Timeout: noneCurrent state: OKTime since last report: 256189 secDevice Name: FilterRegistration number: 1Timeout: noneCurrent state: OKTime since last report: 256184 secDevice Name: routedRegistration number: 2Timeout: noneCurrent state: OKTime since last report: 130950 secDevice Name: cphadRegistration number: 3Timeout: 30 secCurrent state: OKTime since last report: 2.23278e+06 secProcess Status: UPDevice Name: fwdRegistration number: 4Timeout: 30 secCurrent state: OKTime since last report: 320680 secProcess Status: UP‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

And also cpstat shows also nothing special

# cpstat ha -f all |grep -v eth

Product name: High Availability
Major version: 6
Minor version: 0
Service pack: 4
Version string: N/A
Status code: 0
Status short: OK
Status long: Refer to the Notification and Interfaces tables for information about the problem
HA installed: 1
Working mode: High Availability (Active Up)
HA protocol version: 2
HA started: yes
HA state: active
HA identifier: 1

Interface table
|Name |IP |Status|Verified|Trusted|Shared|Netmask |

Problem Notification table
|Name |Status|Priority|Verified|Descr|
|Synchronization|OK | 0| 256489| |
|Filter |OK | 0| 256484| |
|routed |OK | 0| 131249| |
|cphad |OK | 0| 2233077| |
|fwd |OK | 0| 320980| |

Cluster IPs table
|Name |IP |Netmask |Member Network|Member Netmask |

Sync table
|Name|IP |Netmask |

(I had to remove interfaces with IP-addresses)


fw ctl zdebug drop

fw monitor


Employee Alumnus
Employee Alumnus

fw stat

it shows which policy is installed. Some times it helps me to identify that firewall freezes with default filter or initial policy.

fw monitor -e "accept expression;"

- it helps me to understand what happens with packets. Do they return?

fw ctl zdebug drop | grep expression

- it helps to understand the reason of drop even if there is no log in SmartLog

cpview - it shows current throughput, packet rate and so on. very usefull


Below are some useful VSX Commands. Number after colon represents current virtual system (context) you are in.

FW-XXXX-01:0> show virtual-system all
Virtual systems list
0           0
1           FW-XXXX-01_VF-ABC-01
2           FW-XXXX-01_VF-XYZ-01

FW-XXXX-01:1> set virtual-system 2
Context is set to vsid 2

[Expert@FW-XXXX-01:0]# vsx stat
VSX Gateway Status
Name:            FW-XXX-01
Security Policy: FW-XYZ_VSX
Installed at:    18Oct2017 19:21:24
SIC Status:      Trust

Number of Virtual Systems allowed by license:          10
Virtual Systems [active / configured]:                  2 / 2
Virtual Routers and Switches [active / configured]:     0 / 0
Total connections [current / limit]:                24155 / 189700

[Expert@FW-XXXX-01:0]# vsenv 1
Context is set to Virtual Device FW-XXX-01_VF-XX-01 (ID 1).

vsx_util (from management box)


What is Checkpoint equivalent command for "show environment" ?

Legend Legend

Rough equivalent to Cisco's show environment command is:

cpstat -f sensors os

cpstat -f power_supply os

My Book "Max Power: Check Point Firewall Performance Optimization"
Second Edition Coming Soon

Attend my online "Be your Own TAC: Part Deux" CheckMates event
March 27th with sessions for both the EMEA and Americas time zones

Hi Tim,

Thanx for the reply,

When I issue "cpstat -f sensors os", it shows "STATUS 0". What is mean by STATUS 0 ?

Legend Legend

Zero being reported by "cpstat -f sensors os" is good and means the voltage/temperature is within specifications.  Anything other than zero (like 1) is bad and means something is out of spec.

My Book "Max Power: Check Point Firewall Performance Optimization"
Second Edition Coming Soon

Attend my online "Be your Own TAC: Part Deux" CheckMates event
March 27th with sessions for both the EMEA and Americas time zones

One that I have not seen but is used mostly together with:

cplic print is the command:

contract_util mgmt 

What is does is it forces the collection of the contract information from the management server.

Another that is very useful is indeed pinj 

Next to that a very useful way to add pinj as a clish command is:

add command pinj path /opt/CPPinj-R77/pinj description "Packet Injector"

Regards, Maarten
Legend Legend

pinj is a great tool to be sure, but does not currently work with R80.10 gateway.  But hey sk110865: Check Point Packet Injector says that pinj will be available for R80.10 in 2017, so we should definitely have it here in the next 20 days or so.  🙂 

tcptraceroute can be used in the meantime, but traffic created by that tool on the firewall only goes through oO, while pinj traffic goes through iIoO.

My Book "Max Power: Check Point Firewall Performance Optimization"
Second Edition Coming Soon

Attend my online "Be your Own TAC: Part Deux" CheckMates event
March 27th with sessions for both the EMEA and Americas time zones


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