This is an issue we are trying to cover all products in the chain and I wanted to reach out to the community to see if there was anyone else experiencing the issue as we have.
The issue seen is that we run Windows updates, as we normally do, but when we run these updates in the subject on a Windows server running the Duo Authentication Proxy we then start seeing issues with Check Point RADIUS authentications. In the CP logs we get the message of RADIUS server not found.
So we have auth failures with CP Mobile Access VPNs setup to use Duo as well as CP Management access setup to auth through RADIUS/Duo.
I wasn't going to reach out here, but we have an external VPN running Cisco Secure Client and AnyConnect that does not have an issue at all with these updates and function as it should. The only issues currently seems to be with CP.
Is anyone else with this combo of CP/Duo/Windows having these same issues? Thanks!