I have a question!
I installed an Azure R80.30 CloudGuard cluster and connected it to an R80.30 SMS. So far everything is ok 🙂
Now I have opened "SmartUpdate -> Licenses & Contracts" and imported a VE-8 Core central license via "Add License -> From File".
I did not attach the license to the Azure gateways. According to the documentation the license should be distributed automatically.
-> With "cplic print" I see a VE-8 license on both Azure gateways. Everything looks good for me now.
Now my questions:
1) In SmartUpdate I do not see the licenses. Is that right?

2) Via "vsec_central_license" I also see no entries. Is that right?

3) "vsec_lic_cli on" is set to on but then I can't see anything here with "vsec_lic_cli". Is that right?

"CloudGuard laaS" is set in the cluster hardware object.
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