Not using QoS - as you can read in Next Generation Security Gateway Guide R80.30 p.120,
Limiting Application Traffic
Scenario: I want to limit my employees' access to streaming media so that it does not impede business tasks.
If you do not want to block an application or category, there are different ways to set limits for employee access:
• Add a Limit object to a rule to limit the bandwidth that is permitted for the rule.
• Add one or more Time objects to a rule to make it active only during specified times.
The example rule below:
• Allows access to streaming media during non-peak business hours only.
• Limits the upload throughput for streaming media in the company to 1 Gbps.
So traffic bandwidth is limited and speed will be slower - not so unlike QoS...
CCSE / CCTE / CTPS / CCME / CCSM Elite / SMB Specialist