In this article, I will share a Python script that allows you to create and populate a Virtual Group using the Harmony Endpoint API. I will explain the necessary steps to obtain the CLIENT_ID and ACCESS_KEY and how to use them to authenticate and consume the API.
Step 1: Authentication
Thanks to Facundo García Parolari (Novared), I understood which options to select to generate the CLIENT_ID and ACCESS_KEY. Once obtained, these credentials will be used to generate a token that is passed as a parameter to access the API.

Which in this case is "Endpoint", in my case it was not clear to me among so many options.
Step 2: Required URLs
It is important to consider your subscription region when defining the URLs:
Note: The region cloudinfra-gw-us is for this specific configuration.
Step 3: Obtain Computer IDs
To populate the Virtual Group, it is necessary to obtain the computer IDs. I search for objects (e.g., "Computer"), store them in an array, and then pass them as a parameter when creating the group.
Step 4: Create and Populate the Virtual Group
The following code demonstrates how to perform this task:
import requests
import json
def get_token(client_id, access_key):
payload = {
"clientId": client_id,
"accessKey": access_key
response =, json=payload)
return response.json().get("token")
def create_virtual_group(token, api_token, group_name, description, computer_ids):
headers = {
"Authorization": f"Bearer {token}",
"X-API-Key": api_token,
"Content-Type": "application/json"
payload = {
"name": group_name,
"description": description,
"computerIds": computer_ids
response =, headers=headers, json=payload)
return response.json()
# Get the authentication token
client_id = "YOUR_CLIENT_ID"
access_key = "YOUR_ACCESS_KEY"
token = get_token(client_id, access_key)
# Group data
group_name = "Group1"
description = "Test group"
computer_ids = [
] # Replace with valid IDs
# Create the virtual group
api_token = "YOUR_API_TOKEN"
response = create_virtual_group(token, api_token, group_name, description, computer_ids)
print("API Response:", response)
Final Explanation
The script is designed to:
- Authenticate using the CLIENT_ID and ACCESS_KEY.
- Obtain a session token.
- Create a Virtual Group using the specified computer IDs.
I hope this guide helps you automate the management of Virtual Groups within your Harmony Endpoint environment.