--- - hosts: localhost vars_files: - vars_ohio.yml tasks: - name: "Create VPC and Subnets for Demo" ec2_vpc_net: name: CheckMates-Demo-VPC cidr_block: "{{ aws_vpc_cidr }}" region: "{{ region }}" register: demo_vpc - name: "Register new VPC Id in facts " set_fact: vpc_id: "{{ demo_vpc.vpc.id }}" - name: Create external subnet for gateways ec2_vpc_subnet: state: present vpc_id: "{{ vpc_id }}" cidr: "{{ aws_external_subnet_cidr }}" region: "{{ region }}" az: "{{ primary_az }}" resource_tags: Name: CheckMates_External_Subnet register: CheckMates_External_Subnet - name: Create Internal subnet for gateways ec2_vpc_subnet: state: present vpc_id: "{{ vpc_id }}" cidr: "{{ aws_internal_subnet_cidr }}" region: "{{ region }}" az: "{{ primary_az }}" resource_tags: Name: CheckMates_Internal_Subnet register: CheckMates_Internal_Subnet - name: Create WebServer subnet ec2_vpc_subnet: state: present vpc_id: "{{ vpc_id }}" cidr: "{{ aws_webserver_subnet_cidr }}" region: "{{ region }}" az: "{{ primary_az }}" resource_tags: Name: CheckMates_Webserver_Subnet register: CheckMates_Webserver_Subnet - name: Create Database subnet ec2_vpc_subnet: state: present vpc_id: "{{ vpc_id }}" cidr: "{{ aws_database_subnet_cidr }}" region: "{{ region }}" az: "{{ primary_az }}" resource_tags: Name: CheckMates_Database_Subnet register: CheckMates_Database_Subnet - name: Create Load Balancer subnet1 ec2_vpc_subnet: state: present vpc_id: "{{ vpc_id }}" cidr: "{{ aws_lb1_subnet_cidr }}" region: "{{ region }}" az: "{{ primary_az }}" resource_tags: Name: CheckMates_LoadBalancer_Subnet1 register: CheckMates_LoadBalancer_Subnet1 - name: Create Load Balancer subnet2 ec2_vpc_subnet: state: present vpc_id: "{{ vpc_id }}" cidr: "{{ aws_lb2_subnet_cidr }}" region: "{{ region }}" az: "{{ secondary_az }}" resource_tags: Name: CheckMates_LoadBalancer_Subnet2 register: CheckMates_LoadBalancer_Subnet2 - name: Create AWS Internet Gateway ec2_vpc_igw: vpc_id: "{{ vpc_id }}" state: present region: "{{ region }}" register: igw - name: Create Permissive Security Group ec2_group: name: CheckMates_Permissive_SG description: Permissive Security Group vpc_id: "{{ vpc_id }}" region: "{{ region }}" rules: - proto: all from_port: all to_port: all cidr_ip: register: CheckMates_Permissive_SG - name: Create Internal Security Group ec2_group: name: CheckMates_Internal_SG description: Restricted Security Group vpc_id: "{{ vpc_id }}" region: "{{ region }}" rules: - proto: all from_port: all to_port: all group_id: "{{ CheckMates_Permissive_SG.group_id }}" - proto: all from_port: all to_port: all cidr_ip: "{{ aws_internal_subnet_cidr }}" - proto: all from_port: all to_port: all cidr_ip: "{{ aws_lb1_subnet_cidr }}" - proto: all from_port: all to_port: all cidr_ip: "{{ aws_lb2_subnet_cidr }}" register: CheckMates_Internal_SG - name: Create Gateway External ENI ec2_eni: private_ip_address: "{{ perimeter_gw_external_ip }}" subnet_id: "{{ CheckMates_External_Subnet.subnet.id }}" state: present source_dest_check: no security_groups: "{{ CheckMates_Permissive_SG.group_id }}" region: "{{ region }}" register: External_ENI - name: Create Gateway Internal ENI ec2_eni: private_ip_address: "{{ perimeter_gw_internal_ip }}" subnet_id: "{{ CheckMates_Internal_Subnet.subnet.id }}" state: present source_dest_check: no security_groups: "{{ CheckMates_Permissive_SG.group_id }}" region: "{{ region }}" register: Internal_ENI - name: Tag the Internal ENI for AntiSpoofing ec2_tag: region: "{{ region }}" resource: "{{ Internal_ENI.interface.id }}" state: present tags: x-chkp-topology: "{{ xchkp_topo }}" - name: Find Latest Check Point R80.20 AMI in Region "{{ region }}" ec2_ami_find: name: "Check Point CloudGuard IaaS GW BYOL R80.20*" sort: name sort_order: descending sort_end: 1 region: "{{ region }}" register: ami_find_R80 - name: "Create CHKP Edge Instance" ec2: key_name: "{{ aws_keyname }}" instance_type: c5.large image: "{{ ami_find_R80.results[0].ami_id }}" wait: yes count: 1 region: "{{ region }}" user_data: "{{ my_user_data }}" network_interfaces: [ "{{ External_ENI.interface.id }}", "{{ Internal_ENI.interface.id }}" ] # volumes: # - device_name: /dev/xvda # volume_type: io1 # iops: 2500 # volume_size: 50 # delete_on_termination: true instance_tags: Name: CHKP-GW-Edge x-chkp-tags: management=R8020Mgmt:template=Demo-template - name: allocate a new elastic IP ec2_eip: region: "{{ region }}" in_vpc: yes reuse_existing_ip_allowed: true release_on_disassociation: true register: eip - name: output the IP debug: msg: "Allocated External IP is {{ eip.public_ip }}" - name: Associate an elastic IP with a device ec2_eip: device_id: "{{ External_ENI.interface.id }}" in_vpc: yes region: "{{ region }}" ip: "{{ eip.public_ip }}" - name: Set Forwarding on Gateway External ENI ec2_eni: private_ip_address: "{{ perimeter_gw_external_ip }}" subnet_id: "{{ CheckMates_External_Subnet.subnet.id }}" state: present source_dest_check: no security_groups: "{{ CheckMates_Permissive_SG.group_id }}" region: "{{ region }}" delete_on_termination: true register: External_ENI - name: Set Forwarding on Gateway Internal ENI ec2_eni: private_ip_address: "{{ perimeter_gw_internal_ip }}" subnet_id: "{{ CheckMates_Internal_Subnet.subnet.id }}" state: present source_dest_check: no security_groups: "{{ CheckMates_Permissive_SG.group_id }}" region: "{{ region }}" delete_on_termination: true register: Internal_ENI - name: Set up Private subnet route table ec2_vpc_route_table: vpc_id: "{{ vpc_id }}" region: "{{ region }}" tags: Name: CheckMates_Internal_Route_Table subnets: - "{{ CheckMates_Webserver_Subnet.subnet.id }}" - "{{ CheckMates_Database_Subnet.subnet.id }}" routes: - dest: interface_id: "{{ Internal_ENI.interface.id }}" register: private_route_table - name: Set up External subnet route table ec2_vpc_route_table: vpc_id: "{{ vpc_id }}" region: "{{ region }}" tags: Name: CheckMates_External_Route_Table subnets: - "{{ CheckMates_External_Subnet.subnet.id }}" - "{{ CheckMates_LoadBalancer_Subnet1.subnet.id }}" - "{{ CheckMates_LoadBalancer_Subnet2.subnet.id }}" routes: - dest: gateway_id: "{{ igw.gateway_id }}" register: public_route_table - name: "Find Latest Ubuntu 16.04 AMI in Region {{ region }}" ec2_ami_find: name: "ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-xenial-16.04-amd64-server-*" sort: name sort_order: descending sort_end: 1 region: "{{ region }}" register: ami_find_Ubuntu - name: "Create CHKP Launch Config for Demo" ec2_lc: name: CheckMates-CHKP-AutoScale image_id: "{{ ami_find_R80.results[0].ami_id }}" key_name: "{{ aws_keyname }}" security_groups: "{{ CheckMates_Permissive_SG.group_id }}" instance_type: c5.large user_data: "{{ my_user_data }}" region: "{{ region }}" ebs_optimized: true assign_public_ip: true # volumes: # - device_name: /dev/xvda # volume_size: 50 # device_type: io1 # iops: 2500 # delete_on_termination: true - name: "Create WebServer Launch Config for Demo" ec2_lc: name: CheckMates-WebServer-AutoScale image_id: "{{ ami_find_Ubuntu.results[0].ami_id }}" key_name: "{{ aws_keyname }}" security_groups: "{{ CheckMates_Internal_SG.group_id }}" instance_type: t2.micro user_data: "{{ ubuntu_user_data }}" region: "{{ region }}" volumes: - device_name: /dev/sda1 volume_size: 10 device_type: gp2 delete_on_termination: true - name: "Create External ELB" ec2_elb_lb: name: "ExternalELB" state: present region: "{{ region }}" listeners: - protocol: http load_balancer_port: 80 instance_port: 8090 subnets: - "{{ CheckMates_LoadBalancer_Subnet1.subnet.id }}" - "{{ CheckMates_LoadBalancer_Subnet2.subnet.id }}" health_check: ping_protocol: http # options are http, https, ssl, tcp ping_port: 8090 ping_path: "/index.html" # not required for tcp or ssl response_timeout: 5 # seconds interval: 15 # seconds unhealthy_threshold: 2 healthy_threshold: 2 security_group_ids: "{{ CheckMates_Permissive_SG.group_id }}" - name: "Create Internal ELB" ec2_elb_lb: name: "InternalELB" scheme: internal state: present region: "{{ region }}" listeners: - protocol: http load_balancer_port: 8090 instance_port: 80 subnets: - "{{ CheckMates_LoadBalancer_Subnet1.subnet.id }}" - "{{ CheckMates_LoadBalancer_Subnet2.subnet.id }}" tags: x-chkp-tags: "management=R8020Mgmt:template=Demo-template-scale" health_check: ping_protocol: http # options are http, https, ssl, tcp ping_port: 80 ping_path: "/index.html" # not required for tcp or ssl response_timeout: 5 # seconds interval: 15 # seconds unhealthy_threshold: 2 healthy_threshold: 2 security_group_ids: "{{ CheckMates_Internal_SG.group_id }}" - name: Setup CHKP AutoScale Group ec2_asg: name: CheckMates-CHKP-AS-Group launch_config_name: CheckMates-CHKP-AutoScale replace_all_instances: no min_size: 2 max_size: 3 desired_capacity: 2 wait_timeout: 600 load_balancers: ExternalELB tags: - Name: CHKP-AutoScale - x-chkp-tags: management=R8020Mgmt:template=Demo-template-scale vpc_zone_identifier: - "{{ CheckMates_External_Subnet.subnet.id }}" region: "{{ region }}" - name: Setup Webserver AutoScale Group ec2_asg: name: CheckMates-WebServer-AS-Group launch_config_name: CheckMates-WebServer-AutoScale replace_all_instances: no min_size: 5 max_size: 6 desired_capacity: 5 wait_timeout: 600 load_balancers: InternalELB tags: - Name: CheckMatesWebServer - Application: vSEC_Demo vpc_zone_identifier: - "{{ CheckMates_Webserver_Subnet.subnet.id }}" region: "{{ region }}"