Check Point SmartMove tool enables you to convert 3rd party database with firewall security policy and NAT to Check Point database.
The tool parses Cisco ASA (version 8.3 and above), JunOS (version 12.1 and above), ScreenOS (version 6.3 and above), Fortinet (FortiOS version 5 and above), and Palo Alto Networks (Version 7 and above) configuration file and converts its objects, NAT and firewall policy to a Check Point R80.x compliant policy. For PAN, we also convert application definitions (including Application Groups and Application Filters).
The tool is planned to support additional vendors and security configurations in the future.
The tool generates bash scripts by utilizing Check Point Management API's command line interface, to migrate the converted policy into a R80.x Management (or Multi-Domain) server.
The tool is developed using Microsoft C# language and .Net framework version 4.5 (WPF application). The project solution file is configured for Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 and above.
Code is available on GitHub: SmartMove
Tool can be downloaded from: sk111546
Code Version
Code version 0.0.0
Tested on version
R80.10, API version 1.1
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