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Employee Alumnus

New Azure services supported by CloudGuard Dome9

CloudGuard Dome9 now supports these Azure services. They can appear as assets in your Protected Assets list, and you can include them in GSL queries to evaluate them for compliance posture.

Azure Route Tables contain routes that are used to route traffic between subnets in an Azure virtual network.
Sample GSL Rule:  Ensure that BGP route propagation is disabled for peered VNETs
GSL: RouteTable should have disableBgpRoutePropagation=false

Azure Analysis Services is a fully managed Platform as a Service (PaaS) that provides enterprise-grade data models in the cloud.
Sample GSL Rule:  Ensure that firewall rules are enabled and configured
GSL: AnalysisServiceServer should not have properties.ipV4FirewallSettings.firewallRules isEmpty()

Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets allows you to create and manage multiple identical, scalable, high availability, load balanced VMs.
1 Reply

This is great news, I can see a lot of customers finding value here.
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