VSX Gateway Status ================== Name: FW001 Access Control Policy: VIP_FW001_VSX Installed at: 29Apr2024 20:18:35 Threat Prevention Policy: VIP_FW001_VSX SIC Status: Trust Number of Virtual Systems allowed by license: 1 Virtual Systems [active / configured]: 1 / 1 Virtual Routers and Switches [active / configured]: 0 / 0 Total connections [current / limit]: 7 / 314800 Virtual Devices Status ====================== ID | Type & Name | Access Control Policy | Installed at | Threat Prevention Policy | SIC Stat -----+-------------------------+-----------------------+-----------------+--------------------------+--------- 1 | S VS-LAN | Policy_LAN | 28Nov2024 16:07 | Policy_LAN | Trust Type: S - Virtual System, B - Virtual System in Bridge mode, R - Virtual Router, W - Virtual Switch.