1. Download SSH Keys - chmod 400 *.pem 2. Add blink and dynamic objects command to clish ssh -i admin@ add command blink_config path /bin/blink_config description "Blink configuration command" add command dynamic_objects path /opt/CPsuite-R80.40/fw1/bin/dynamic_objects description "Dynamic Objects command" save config exit 3. Add dynamic object and run the first-time configuration wizard ssh -i admin@ set interface eth1 state on add dhcp client interface eth1 dynamic_objects -n LocalGatewayInternal -r -a dynamic_objects -n LocalGatewayExternal -r -a dynamic_objects -l save config blink_config -s "download_info=true&upload_info=false&ftw_sic_key=&hostname=" 4. Add RFC-1918 routes to each gateway ssh -i admin@ set static-route nexthop gateway address on set static-route nexthop gateway address on set static-route nexthop gateway address on save config exit